Natural Born Leader

Meg has entered P7 – the final year of primary (elementary) school.

When they asked if anyone wanted to stand for House Captain, it didn’t cross Meg’s mind that she shouldn’t go for it.

She created a wee speech and, with the 6 others who are standing, went round all the classes and delivered her few lines on why she should be House Captain for Deer.

Apparently she got lots of applause and cheers at the end of each delivery to the different classes.

We’ll find out next week who’s won.

Down’s Syndrome doesn’t stand in the way of her expecting to be able to represent and lead the other children in her school.

Does it surprise me she puts herself forward for positions of leadership?

Not really. In common with everyone else in this household, she’s crap at following orders.

Kim Ayres
Kim is usually to be found at his own blog, Ramblings of the Bearded One. Although you will find tales about his daughter, Meg, under his “Down’s Syndrome” category, you’ll find far more simply under “Fatherhood

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