Whoa! Even More Special Needs Mommy Confessions


You know, just in case you hadn’t gotten enough confessions the last time.

• I’ll let Max get away with stuff—like having three chocolate ice-creams in a row—because I feel sorry for him. As if having all that ice-cream will somehow make up for the fact that he has cerebral palsy.

• I’d like to program Max’s new iPad/communication app to say “What’s your problem?” for when kids/people stare at him.

• I use PhotoShop to erase Max’s drool.

• I get a little overwhelmed by making decisions about special equipment; it just took me two months to pick a new adaptive swing for our backyard playset.

• Max’s teacher told us to buy veggie sticks for him to practice chewing and crunching on. I’ve been eating them by the handful at night.

• It sometimes pains me to look back at photos of myself before I had kids. I’ll think, “I could never have imagined what would happen.”

• It annoys me that Max usually ends up with jagged bangs because hairstylists (and we’ve been to a bunch) just don’t know how to handle a kid with special needs, even though he has Really Good Hair.

• Oh, and I can’t stand the words “special needs,” but there just doesn’t seem to be a cool term, does there?

Ellen blogs daily at Love That Max.

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