It’s My Year

On New Year’s Eve I was out shopping with my mom, something I seldom get to do not only because I have two kids, but also because my mother lives out of state. We set out on our ritual, a pedicure and some wandering around the local mall.

Ironically no matter how many times people tell me “do something for yourself” I always end up in the kids section looking for the boys. And that’s when I stumbled upon the shirt that spoke to me.

Bright green with Woodstock carrying a sign that read:  “IT”S MY YEAR!” I grabbed that shirt with such joy and anticipation. It didn’t matter to me the largest size they had was a 4T, I knew it’d likely be too short, I didn’t care this was Cameron’s shirt and even if he only wore it for a day he was going to wear it and smile!

Which he did.

This shirt was sign, maybe it really was going to be our year, and more specifically my son Cameron’s year. 2010 was one of our “worst” on record for Cameron with a few personal “worsts” as well making it all together the year I’d like to erase.

I’d like to think this shirt is going to work the magic I so desperately want it to, I believe in “signs” on some level because sometimes it’s all you have left. HA!

New Year’s Day came and everyone in our house got the dreaded stomach flu within 24 hours of one another, EXCEPT for Cameron. Which is huge, given that vomiting is what sends us trailing off to the hospital. Maybe, just maybe, the shirt is working it’s Magic.

I can only hope, right!

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