iPod Touch and iPad Apps for Special Needs

In my last post I mentioned how we use an iPod Touch to help Peanut communicate. Dana, a speech pathologist, asked me what apps we have found useful in helping Peanut with her communication. We have found a few apps that we like, but I thought it would be fun to see what everyone else is using. I know there are so many apps to choose from!

Leave a comment with the apps you have found and what you like about them. Also, if you know it, you might want to list how much it costs.

Here is my list. I believe all of these apps can be used on the iPod or iPad. We prefer the iPod touch because it is smaller, lighter and Peanut can wear it around her neck with a break away lanyard. The new iPod Touch has a built in camera and microphone that makes adding your own pictures much easier.

  1. Voice4U – This is the AAC system that we are using for Peanut. It’s a more basic system than some of the others out there and we believe it is a good stepping stone to the more advanced systems such as Proloquo2Go. It’s cheaper, too. This system allows you to set up categories, take your own pictures and record what you want it to say. I like that the developer is eager to listen to users and always responds to any questions we have. Many updates have been made to the app based on user recommendations. The cost is $29.99
  2. Stories2Learn – This app allows you to build social stories for your child. You can add you own pictures, text and audio. Cost is $13.99
  3. IntroToLetters – This interactive app teaches letters, sounds and proper formation. It has a tracing element that Peanut loves and helps her learn how to write her letters. Cost is $4.99
  4. Shapes – This app is by Toddler Teasers. It teaches shapes in a fun what and after you get so many correct you get to put a sticker on your page. Peanut loved this app, but since she learned her shapes she doesn’t use it as often. Still, I find her playing with it on occasion. It’s free. Can’t do better than that!

There are several other apps we like, but I tried to stick with those that are educational or help with communication.

Now it’s your turn! What are your favorite apps?

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