Category Archives: Down Syndrome

Here We Go Again

Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so tuned in to the special needs community. Sometimes I wish I could just get on Facebook and see what goofy things people are doing, even if it’s so mundane as “I’m getting a haircut this afternoon.” But, in my group of friends, that’s not always possible. I have many…

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Where’s The ME-time?

Am I the only one who can’t seem to find any time to take care of me in my life? OMG, for all the child-rearing and special needs advocating and work I’m doing, there doesn’t seem to be a moment left for me! I’m not talking about luxuries like taking a bubble bath, a night out…

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Kitty, Kitty

Life’s been crazy lately. Today especially. Add to that my lack of sleep from last night due to a certain visitor who dropped by almost every hour on the hour. Needless to say, I don’t really feel like writing and if I did, it would either be pretty much a pity party or a gripe…

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The Heartache of Wanting (and Waiting)

There are lots of skills that a parent enthusiastically awaits mastery of by her precious children. Sleeping through the night, self-feeding, sleeping in their own bed and potty training are just a few of the hard-won battles, in my experience. A little bit of impatience is not uncommon and often can be a catalyst to helping our…

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Which is Worse

I have a podcast I like to listen to. It’s for working mom’s who are “trying to do it all and then some.” The mom’s who run the podcast have two children each. Their kids are about the same age with the oldest being in 2nd or 3rd grade and youngest in kindergarten. Over the…

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My Angel

I knew that my body was giving everything to this little person growing inside me. I knew my life would never be the same; that our lives would never be the same. There were no words to express the happiness I knew my belly contained. I knew that this little being was my angel; my…

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The Potty Training Buzz

Potty training is the most common topic of conversation for ALL mothers!

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Let’s Get Real

I’m a realist. Because of that, I sometimes get frustrated when it comes to raising a child with Down syndrome. I want to know what is realistic and my questions are usually met with, “Don’t put limits on your child. She can do anything she wants.” Well, yes, and no. I mean, yes, if we…

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The Worth of a Soul: The Story of Kirill

According to a judge in Russia, a little boy with Down syndrome is better off in an institution than with a family wanting nothing more but to love and cherish him. In other words, that extra chromosome to this judge is worthy of only one thing. A death sentence. My friend Veronica holds dual citizenship…

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Eradicate the “disease”?

A while back there was an article about a new test that would identify if your child had Down syndrome earlier in the pregnancy in a less invasive way. Dr. Patsalis was excited about this new test because it could help the medical community “slowly eradicate the disease” that is Down syndrome.  I could go into…

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