Monthly Archives: January 2011

Building Lasting Friendships

Everyone needs friends. However, making friends isn’t always easy and for our children it can be even harder. Sometimes our children have behavioral problems that cause other children to shy away. Sometimes there are communication problems, either with the lack of communication or with speech that is difficult to understand. As parents, we often have…

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Where’s the Line?

I realize I’ve been writing here for several weeks now without really introducing myself or my daughter. I haven’t written much about her specific challenges or my responses to them. I guess I expected all of this to come out more naturally, but there’s a hang up — which I’ll explain shortly. Our daughter is…

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She Is Their Best Friend

She is their best friend. I see it in their faces, hear it in their play, watch it in the way they fight over the smallest piece of junk, determined that their need to treasure this particular item is deeper than the other. Then, just as easily, one gives in. One notices the tears of…

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Is Your Medical Team Super Bowl Bound?

Without blocking, receiving and tackling, even the most talented quarterback will be on the sidelines during the Big Game. As special needs parents, we are on a team with the medical professionals who care for our children. What position do we play? How can we make our team Super?

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It’s still okay to play. So join the fun!

I’ve always loved playing tag. As a camp counselor during college, I ran all over the playground with the kids in my groups. I’ve never really stopped playing like a kid. I jump on our trampoline, chase my dog around the front yard, throw pillows at my kids and tickle them when they’re being too…

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My Biggest Secret

I am going to admit something here that I’m not sure I’ve ever told anyone. I’ve been trying really hard this year to feel good enough, to not want to be anything more than I am at this moment, and I feel part of that journey is to let go of all demons. So here…

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All kids are created…equally?

Obviously whenever someone decides to begin this journey known as parenting, we (for the most part) all hope and dream the BIGGEST things for our kids. When you are presented with a “special needs child” you realize that you still have big goals, although they might have to be tinkered with a little bit. For…

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Simple Comforts…

Zoe’s little girl hands are petite, and although her body is ever challenged to maintain her balance with any forward movement- Zoe’s hugs are big and strong. Bigger than her size and stronger than her muscles, her hugs are magical and healing. She offers her affection intuitively, seeking out those she loves and those who…

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Family Matters

The way our families accept our children with special needs can make or break our relationship with them. When we had some family in town this weekend, we saw the way we would love our whole family to treat Precious. I hadn’t seen my husband’s cousin Tamara since my wedding almost 11 years ago. DH…

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I Have A Dream!

I know, I’m late to the party weighig in on the legacy that is Martin Luther King Jr. But I post on Saturdays and Martin Luther King Jr. Day was Monday. Thing is, it really REALLY hit me on Monday just how thankful I am to this remarkable man who gave his life fighting for the simple God-given…

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