Tag Archive: friendship


I need community, and family, and far away friends. I know it isn’t always perfect. It is really easy to get sucked into the divisive drama that pervades our society, but I’m learning that as much as I want to do it all on my own, there is just no way I’m going to make it on that basis.

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Counting the Grapes

Well, when you’re child pulls your hair, kicks, screams, and starts throwing things because things aren’t just the way they want them; when you have no idea what’s going on with your child and they don’t have the words to tell you; when you generally feel out of control and have learned a few things that seem to help a little here and there…you do strange things like count the grapes. I think I offered the girl some of the other fruit.

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Treading Two Paths

I was so hoping this year to focus on building social scaffolding for the child at school. I’m dreaming of setting up a circle of friends who will know, understand, and advocate on her behalf as her differences become more apparent to her peers. I am just beginning the process of working out what that…

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What Really Matters

I don’t know about all of you, but I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed again. Thanksgiving went better than could ever be expected, and throughout the weeks leading up to it and immediately after, I held everything else at arm’s length. I have never been a “Black Friday” participant, and this year more than ever we’re…

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Do You Wonder What Life Would Be…

When you watch other children, the same age as yours…when you watch other children in the movies, through the streets, wherever you might be, do you ponder? Do you compare? Do you wonder what life would be if only things were just a little different? Do you wonder what your largest struggles could be? Stop…

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Pregnancy and The Gift of Advice?

Advice. We give it without thinking about it…unless it’s a touchy or emotionally charged subject, then every now and again we might stop for at least a moment and think about what advice we might dispense. Then there are some situations where advice is a given even if it isn’t wanted or needed. Pregnancy for…

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The Blues

I apologize for the brief delay in posting today. I will blame it on re-entry issues from our wonderful, but routine-zapping camping trip. That and the start of school just a day later seems to have put my schedule (and my brain) in a blender on high speed. Meanwhile, I picked the child up from…

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Summertime and the Living is Easy

Around here, we have 2 months off every summer. Well, the kids do, anyway. The first two weeks of summer, the girls were home with a teenager from two doors down. They went to swimming lessons everyday and got lots of attention from the babysitter. The third week of the summer, Precious went to her…

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One of my best friends died last Friday. When I say friend, I don’t mean the “girlfriend” type of friend, more the “mom away from mom and grandmother type figure to my kids” kind of friend. Needless to say I am still reeling, as are all of the other people who knew her and loved…

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Strange Milestones We Have Met

Something strange has happened to my perception of childhood milestones. Perhaps because it took my daughter a little longer to meet many of them, I’ve sort of made up my own list along the way. It’s not that I’ve given up watching for the standard markers, it’s more that I appreciate events that other parents…

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