Tag Archive: language delay

The Social Pendulum

All of these subtle social skills that seem to just fall into place for other children. So many ideas and concepts that I hadn’t even thought about before, and now have to figure out how to teach them to someone to whom they really just don’t make sense. First we’re explaining this side and then we’re explaining the other, and back and forth we go

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World Changer

All of those letters, primary diagnosis, possible co-morbid conditions, what does it all mean? This form to fill out, those contacts to call, these questions to ask, those books to read. This meeting to have, those services to request. It was back to school special parenting style.

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Getting a Grip

I probably should know better than to write a post late at night when I’m barely still awake and most of my thoughts are trending toward a rather negative vein. However, if I procrastinate (again) I’ll be posting late (again) and I’m tired of that trend, too. Just be aware there will be no sugar-coating….

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I Brake for School Bells

Somehow I had the mistaken impression that the child would be happy to return to school. We had a pretty good break (stomach flus aside) and she had asked when she would get to go to school again. GET to go. I thought that was a good sign. Uh…no.

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Santa Visit

Usually some friend invites us to a Santa event sponsored by their employer or business and we go to that. We didn’t get any invitations this year, so I figured we could just not mention it and move along. Not so fast there. The child insisted that we needed to go – all of us – to see Santa and make sure he knew which presents to bring.

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Treading Two Paths

I was so hoping this year to focus on building social scaffolding for the child at school. I’m dreaming of setting up a circle of friends who will know, understand, and advocate on her behalf as her differences become more apparent to her peers. I am just beginning the process of working out what that…

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Truth or Dare

We’ve hit another strange milestone. I think the child has learned how to lie. Not that she does it well, mind you. Previously she has been honest to a fault: Why is your brother crying? Because I hit him… Ah. Whether I liked the answer or not, at least I knew it was true. There…

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It’s Not a Race

I think we are about to hit an interesting phase of our family. The younger apparently neurotypical siblings are about to reach certain developmental milestones before their big sister does.  Little boy has just about mastered his daytime toilet learning. One of our first signs that he was physically ready for this achievement was that…

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Homework Strategies

Ah…now I remember what takes the shine right off of back to school – back to homework. The child brought home her first ever second grade homework packet yesterday. Yeah, it didn’t go so well. It didn’t help that the homework arrived on a Tuesday. We have gymnastics right after school on Tuesday and don’t…

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The Blues

I apologize for the brief delay in posting today. I will blame it on re-entry issues from our wonderful, but routine-zapping camping trip. That and the start of school just a day later seems to have put my schedule (and my brain) in a blender on high speed. Meanwhile, I picked the child up from…

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