This Just In: IEP Edition

In my recent post Learning to Make Sense of an IEP, I asked for everyone to share their favorite resources on the topic of advocacy and special education. Between this site, my own blog and some emails, I got a bunch of responses and wanted to compile them here for the benefit of all of us.




  • Do everything you can to work together as a team with the school personnel
  • Request a rough draft of the IEP (or whatever is being discussed) prior to attending the meeting
  • Bring someone with you to help you remember your questions and take notes for you
  • Ask local disability groups for recommendations to find an advocate in your area

An important point was raised in the comments that advocacy is something all parents do for their children all the time and that it is a positive, proactive thing to do. It does not necessarily equal fighting or antagonistic behavior, although sometimes it comes to that in certain situations.

Knowledge truly is power, and the more you know, the better you are able to be an effective member of the team and represent your child’s needs and interests. Keep up the good work, everybody!

Trish can be found writing here at 5MFSN every Friday in addition to hosting Try This Tuesday. You can also find Trish at her blog, Another Piece of the Puzzle.

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