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January 9, 2012 by
As parents, we spend years focused on our child’s education. We want to know what they’re learning, how they are progressing, how it will all fit into their future endeavors, not only with later grade levels but with life. We want to do the best we can to help them succeed. Which is why when…
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April 14, 2011 by
Life’s been crazy lately. Today especially. Add to that my lack of sleep from last night due to a certain visitor who dropped by almost every hour on the hour. Needless to say, I don’t really feel like writing and if I did, it would either be pretty much a pity party or a gripe…
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Written on
April 9, 2011 by
I’d like to appoligize first. My weeks have been just flying by and I again forgot to get my post posted. Feeling like an airhead right about now! Easter is on my brain today…It’ll be here before I know it. What are your traditions? Do you do anything special for your kids? Have you made…
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March 22, 2011 by
Our school is inclusive. Every child has a place in a mainstream classroom, with assistance if needed. J is one of those kiddos. He has an assigned a teacher, participates in nonacademic activities and projects, and has ‘specials’ like art, music and PE with his typical peers, all with the help of a one-on-one para….
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November 21, 2010 by
It is late in the evening, my daughters are tucked into bed, the house is restored to order and the lights are turned down low, I am weary from the physical act of being in motion all day- spread thin between appointments, a desk buried with work, a home that needs tending and Zoe’s constant…
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From My File of Things That Make Me See Red: I’m the mother of a medically fragile child with special needs. This kid has spent many an hour circling the drain. As a matter of fact, I writing this post from his hospital room after a very unexpected surgery on Sunday. The bottom line is…
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November 18, 2008 by
This week, Rickismom from beneath the wings shares a fun way to emphasize the use and meaning of pronouns through a game. SPEECH GAMEby Rickismom I want to present an easy, very useful game to teach the words “I”, “YOU”, “WE”, and “THEY”. These words are confusing, due to the fact that the terms are…
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Written on
September 16, 2008 by
This week, we are welcoming PsychMamma, who has discovered a great way to extend the use of all those holiday greetings from friends and family! EDUCATIONAL PICTURE RING by PsychMamma Every year we receive a plethora of photo cards and photos when the holiday season rolls around. Jenna loves to look at the pictures and…
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September 9, 2008 by
I have been thinking about ways to expand Try This Tuesday to include some different ideas and perspectives, and one of the ideas I had was to ask some of the participants to “guest post.” So over the next few weeks, several of our readers will be sharing their ideas on this site. For our…
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