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September 29, 2010 by
It’s official…and final. Where there were 5, now there are six. A last name has changed and hearts are complete. Just five days ago, my Ronnie’s adoption was finalized. Everytime a new child has joined my family, it feels like a missing piece of my heart has been found. While my heart feels complete, I…
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Not to be outdone by her brother, Ivy shows the world that she is nobody’s side kick! Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love at each link you visit. Also posting at Three Ring Circus.
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September 27, 2010 by
News flash: I have decided to use the words “special powers” instead of “special needs” when I can. I mean, not for IEPs or the insurance company paperwork or anything, but in conversation and in posts. I explained why on my blog. In other news, last weekend I went to the Type A Mom Conference….
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So, we took an impromptu vacation. I had had it with life. I was sick of appointments and phone calls and the whole mess. I had a break in teaching for a week between terms and decided to book us a quickie Disney trip. Ya know..Disney is tough with a typical child. There is SO…
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September 24, 2010 by
As many of you know,I am a big fan of the 6 word memoir project, and asked Larry Smith, it’s creator, if I could run another 6 word memoir contest on my facebook autism page. The top 25 (I was the judge) won a signed copy of my book A REGULAR GUY GROWING UP WITH…
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September 22, 2010 by
I’m having a particularly difficult week, and decided to share a blog post from my archive. I promise I will get my act together in time for next week’s post! ******************************* My buddy, Esbee, over at the Life in Forsyth blog, emailed me to let me know about one of her blog posts that she…
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Maddy and Mal. One of the best things about having a big family is that each person has something to teach the other and so everyone ends up with a wealth of understanding from different points of view. Maddy has taught Mal about the world from her perspective and Mal has taught Maddy that even…
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September 21, 2010 by
When it comes to my son, I want the best. I stopped counting the money we’ve put into therapies not covered by insurance–it’s too depressing. I buy him the fancy, organic food that I’m too cheap to buy for myself. He’s got an iPad for crying out loud. I’ve taken a similar approach when it…
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September 20, 2010 by
We have been trying to potty train Max for two-plus years now. He does OK at school, because he is on a strict schedule; he’s on the potty every two to three hours. He is going nowhere at home, partly because we have not been rigorous about a schedule on weekends. But he doesn’t even…
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September 18, 2010 by
It was a simple request. “Isaiah, will you teach me to play basketball?” She had been watching her brothers, cousin, uncle, dad, and friends battle it out on the court. Dodgeball and basketball. She wanted to play, too. So, she asked. Without hesitation, he said, “Yes.” He left the game. He took her to another hoop….
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