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October 10, 2011 by
October is Dyslexia awareness month. Did you know that Dyslexia can manifest in different ways? My oldest daughter, who is 17, has Dysgraphia…you only see the signs of dyslexia in her writing. When she was younger; letters were backwards, her handwriting was very difficult to read, and her spelling was VERY unconventional. My youngest daughter,…
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April 7, 2011 by
I have a podcast I like to listen to. It’s for working mom’s who are “trying to do it all and then some.” The mom’s who run the podcast have two children each. Their kids are about the same age with the oldest being in 2nd or 3rd grade and youngest in kindergarten. Over the…
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January 6, 2011 by
When our children have difficulties in school, learning or another issue which makes us suspect that there is something “wrong” we don’t many options to get a diagnosis without sending our children through testing. I know I’ve mentioned this before but in case you are a first time reader, I’m an adult who has ADD…
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December 23, 2010 by
How do you know what typical development is? Even though my daughter has Cerebral Palsy which is not necessarily behavioral she still exhibits some behavioral issues. She has trouble adjusting to change and can and does completely loose it when things change on her unexpectedly. That said she is seven years old and lost of…
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