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February 4, 2013 by
When Zoe was little I spent a lot of time thinking ( and writing) about about how different she was. Then she grew, and through her grade school years blossomed with the encouragement to try and do her best as I made sure she was always included, and treated just like everyone else. Zoe will be starting…
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Autism Spectrum,
Cerebral Palsy,
Day In And Day Out,
Dealing With Public Perceptions,
Developmentally Delayed,
Down Syndrome,
Laughing Through The Tears,
Me Time,
Sensory Processing Dysfunction
Hi you guys! This is basically my week again…only different surgery on the stomach…I’ll update you later… **************************************************************************** I get tired–the kind of tired that makes your bones ache. Sometimes, I get grumpy too. Hey, don’t we all? In this ever-winding road of special needs parenting, I find myself often in a…
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Hi there! Remember me? (don’t answer that…I’m beginning to feel a foreigner in my own land!) So, here’s the current score. School District: 5, Jack: 3. It’s looking rough out there. His IEP was completed a few weeks ago. Because he turned 6, he has to be “transitioned” from the developmental delay label to…
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School. It’s happening around here. Some of the counties near where we live have already returned to recess, brown bag lunch, and smiling teachers. We…start Monday. Well, my daughter starts Monday. My friend’s children start Monday. Jack. Not so much. See, we qualified for Hospital Homebound (HH). Basically, this is a school within a school….
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Cerebral Palsy,
Day In And Day Out,
Developmentally Delayed,
Individual Educational Plans,
Learning Disabilities,
Physical Therapy,
Speech Language Pathology,
Sometimes, I lose my words. Like someone popped my beautiful bubble that I worked so hard to get right. Or I feel like the sky is closing in on me. Actually, I feel like I’m the kid with the black cloud that only rains on me. (Pity party, table for 1?) So many times, on…
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Jack met with the developmental psychologist on Tuesday for a few hours. We have been noticing some hard-core aggression along with some other really disturbing “new habits” that have come up in the past few months (for example, he’s taken to not sleeping again, and he’s picked all the nails off his fingers…
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Living in Florida, I know a bit about natural disasters. Like when, in 2005, 3 hurricanes hit us in 6 weeks. I got a new roof twice. Back then, I only had the Girl Child, who was 5. She was self-sufficient, opinionated, and stubborn–but she knew when Momma said, “Get in the bathroom and cover…
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My life changed drastically the day we adopted Jack. I just didn’t know how much it was changed. We struggled to have our oldest child. She was born early, but healthy. Shortly after her birth, I had a large lump removed from my breast. 2 months after that, I had a complete hysterectomy. We knew…
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I have tried… When Jack was taking therapy a million hours a week, I would sit in the waiting room and take in the “sights” and sounds around me (seriously, people, leggings are NOT pants!). So many times my heart broke when I would hear another parent, under the guise of “advocacy,” just pick apart…
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When Jack was first diagnosed, and we still felt like the world was ending, my husband was devastated. Not because of the diagnosis, but because of what Jack may not ever be able to do—play football, or baseball, or any of those “guy” things. Personally, I believe that deep down, there’s this innate thing that…
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