Written on
February 4, 2013 by
When Zoe was little I spent a lot of time thinking ( and writing) about about how different she was. Then she grew, and through her grade school years blossomed with the encouragement to try and do her best as I made sure she was always included, and treated just like everyone else. Zoe will be starting…
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Autism Spectrum,
Cerebral Palsy,
Day In And Day Out,
Dealing With Public Perceptions,
Developmentally Delayed,
Down Syndrome,
Laughing Through The Tears,
Me Time,
Sensory Processing Dysfunction
Written on
February 16, 2012 by
Alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen every two hours Alternate daytime / nighttime cold / cough remedy OR Allergy antihistamine – whatever seems to work well or that particular kiddo Vicks Vapor Rub (aka Mentholatum for other ‘old school peeps’ like me) on the chest and slathered about the feet at night with socks Warm mist humidifier…
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Written on
February 12, 2012 by
My day had started like any other, I was up at 5 packing lunches and backpacks, while trying to gulp down some coffee. I had an appointment at the office later, so I spent a few minutes standing in front of my closet perplexed and sighing. I looked in the mirror, briefly noting the major…
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Ask the Parents,
Asperger's Syndrome,
Autism Spectrum,
Cerebral Palsy,
Developmentally Delayed,
Learning Disabilities,
Raising Awareness,
Sensory Processing Dysfunction
Written on
September 6, 2011 by
The holiday has passed, the change of season seems to be upon us – something I am nothing short of thankful for. It’s this time of the year I get energized, my mood is much happier, the bounce is added to my step. If this morning is any indication, it’s a good thing it is….
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Written on
August 23, 2011 by
I want to write to you to tell you all the positives that can come from special needs, or rather, what we learn and how we grow as individuals raising children with special needs. I want to give inspiration rather than sorrow, the promise of a rainbow after the clouds. But I can’t. Not because…
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Written on
August 20, 2011 by
It’s official we started back at therapies…after a year break…under protest but just the same we’re back. Yesterday we had our first visit, Physical Therapy, as we’re in the waiting room my son’s cracking up a at door that opens shuts constantly (first thing in the morning so busy time). He proceeds to then find…
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Written on
August 14, 2011 by
…”The hard part is trying to answer the questions Walker raises in my mind every time I pick him up, What is the value of a life like his — a life lived in the twilight and often in pain? What is the cost of his life to those around him? … If Walker is…
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Autism Spectrum,
Cerebral Palsy,
Day In And Day Out,
Dealing With Public Perceptions,
Developmentally Delayed,
Laughing Through The Tears,
Learning Disabilities,
Me Time,
Medications and Treatment Options,
Mental Health,
Raising Awareness,
Sensory Processing Dysfunction
Written on
August 9, 2011 by
The problem with diagnosis is…. It puts people, individuals with likes and dislikes, quirks, needs, abilities and disabilities in a box. Cutting out their very individuality that makes one person differ so entirely from another. The differences between them no longer seen. In essence treating one person with an ability within a diagnosis the same…
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Written on
July 30, 2011 by
Ok, maybe it dates me that I can remember that tune that played out on television…”My buddy, my BUDdy, My buddy and me can climb up a tree, my buddy and me are the best friends we can be~~ My buddy and me” I wish I could turn the picture for you…but editing isn’t letting me. Anyway,…
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Written on
July 17, 2011 by
I am not sure when it was exactly, that I stopped planning ahead. It could have been when Zoe was little and ill all the time. Maybe when her big sister Olivia was still catching every virus too- but somewhere along the years with appointments, kids school stuff, daily care and flu seasons- and trying…
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