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July 31, 2009 by
She’s turning five this fall. She’s forty-three inches tall and growing like a weed. On the outside. On the inside, she’s a toddler. She wears diapers. She is slowly emerging from the parallel play stage. Following her sister around like a shadow. Getting into cupboards and flushing toothbrushes down the toilet. She flits from places…
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July 31, 2009 by
Matthew called me last night with one of his ideas-one that I know he’d been obsessing about. “I was thinking,” he said enthusiastically, “I’ve lived on the east coast and on the west coast. Now I want to try the mid coast.” He said he thought Louisiana would be a good place because they have…
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Two weeks ago, one of the paediatric registrars asked if we would be interested in taking part in the examination process for the doctors wanting to become paediatricians. I said yes. Ivy was the ‘patient’ for, what they call, the long case study. An hour long interview where the doctor extracts as much information and…
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Voting is now closed! It’s time to VOTE! Feel free to announce it on your blog, facebook, twitter, etc and get your friends to vote for you. That is fair game. But please play fair and do not use proxy servers or other black hat methods of increasing your votes. If we do discover unfair…
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Written on
July 29, 2009 by
So I went to this little thing called BlogHer this past weekend and I had a great time. No, really, I did. BUT… I noticed some things about me while I was there. I talk too much. Like as in OVERSHARE. Like I discuss something until it can’t be discussed no more. And then I…
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July 29, 2009 by
Yesterday afternoon I sat in a meeting with a behavior specialist, a case manager, day support staff and group home staff – all to discuss my daughter, Jessica and her ongoing and increasing aggressive and negative behaviors. Jessica’s negative and aggressive behaviors are not new. Every since I adopted her nine years ago, she has…
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July 28, 2009 by
Nothing earth shattering going on around here except that in that past week, my son has ingested three servings of blueberries. Pretty amazing for a kid that had declared a ban on all fruits and vegetables and would cry at the request to try even a new variety of candy. I have seen a greater…
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July 27, 2009 by
It’s Saturday night, I’m in Chicago for the BlogHer conference. A good friend of mine lives there. This is a good friend I tend to avoid talking on the phone with since inevitably she asks, “Is Max talking yet?” “Yet.” “Yet” is a horrible word to use when you’re talking with a parent of a…
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July 25, 2009 by
I stood with her preschool teacher and watched as Esther-Faith climbed into the “new” wheelchair. It wasn’t her chair, but a loaner while her chair was in the shop. Her chair is red. The loaner is blue. Her chair has a tiny embroidered ladybug on it that Mimi gave her the first day she had…
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Written on
July 24, 2009 by
Matthew had an impressive meltdown over the long 4th of July weekend that could so easily have been prevented. I was sitting at our dining room table paying bills when he came bolting from the kitchen, where he had been talking to my husband, Peter. Matthew picked up a dining room chair, and threw it…
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