Happy November, Friends! (How did this happen? Wasn’t it just January?) The past few months have been sort of rough for us. For some reason, it seems like everything we’ve done, or tried to do, went horribly wrong. When things don’t go the way I envision them, I tend to get–shall we say–moody? Maybe not…
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School. It’s happening around here. Some of the counties near where we live have already returned to recess, brown bag lunch, and smiling teachers. We…start Monday. Well, my daughter starts Monday. My friend’s children start Monday. Jack. Not so much. See, we qualified for Hospital Homebound (HH). Basically, this is a school within a school….
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Cerebral Palsy,
Day In And Day Out,
Developmentally Delayed,
Individual Educational Plans,
Learning Disabilities,
Physical Therapy,
Speech Language Pathology,
That’s what I am. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get bone tired. Tired beyond tired. Tired to the point where all I crave is sleep, and yet it eludes me. It is in these moments of sheer exhaustion that I sometimes have the most clarity. It makes no sense to me,…
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My life changed drastically the day we adopted Jack. I just didn’t know how much it was changed. We struggled to have our oldest child. She was born early, but healthy. Shortly after her birth, I had a large lump removed from my breast. 2 months after that, I had a complete hysterectomy. We knew…
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reading through all of the paperwork brings back memories of the really scary times parenting this child. The times when I was trying my hardest but still failing to crack the code.
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We, lovingly, call Jack “The Beast” sometimes. We don’t mean it in a derogatory way at all. Just in a way that we all know is true— he’s kinda Beastly (he’s a growler…loves to growl all the time when we’re out. Growls at old ladies, at kids, at dogs…). Sometimes he’s “Beastly” or “My Beasty…
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Cerebral Palsy,
Day In And Day Out,
Dealing With Public Perceptions,
Developmentally Delayed,
Raising Awareness,
Sensory Processing Dysfunction,
The thing about faith is that…it’s not transient. You either have it or you don’t. You don’t have to believe in the God I believe in to have faith either. You can have faith in lots of things–doctors, teachers, friends. To have faith, you have to trust. A lot. Believe. A lot. So where does…
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Last time we offered to do this I felt like I had just walked off a cliff. We are stretched thin just keeping up with our kids, so adding Grandma to the mix is daunting. If it were just caregiving I think it wouldn’t be quite so hard, but she is angry at us a good bit of the time.
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This week has been one of those weeks where my emotions have gone from elation to fear to peace—and then back again! It is time for Jack to head to school. In the past, I was determined that the only way he was going to do school was with me by his side (meaning: home…
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Tomorrow my brother is getting married. In a quiet, small gathering. On a boat. At Disney World. Now, while most people think this sounds romantic and lovely, I am a nervous wreck. My brother loves my son no matter what; however, if he decides to melt down or scream or narrate the entire event,…
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