My life changed drastically the day we adopted Jack. I just didn’t know how much it was changed. We struggled to have our oldest child. She was born early, but healthy. Shortly after her birth, I had a large lump removed from my breast. 2 months after that, I had a complete hysterectomy. We knew…
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The thing about faith is that…it’s not transient. You either have it or you don’t. You don’t have to believe in the God I believe in to have faith either. You can have faith in lots of things–doctors, teachers, friends. To have faith, you have to trust. A lot. Believe. A lot. So where does…
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Tomorrow my brother is getting married. In a quiet, small gathering. On a boat. At Disney World. Now, while most people think this sounds romantic and lovely, I am a nervous wreck. My brother loves my son no matter what; however, if he decides to melt down or scream or narrate the entire event,…
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As we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day Holiday in the US, I thought it’s fitting to take a moment to pray for our Armed Forces. While I realize that not everyone who reads the posts on this site might share my beliefs, I hope nobody would find this prayer offensive. Furthermore, I hope everyone, in…
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December 31, 2010 by
To follow up on last week’s post of what NOT to say to a Special Needs Family, I polled some folks to find out what you SHOULD say. You know, stuff that would be nice to hear? And this is what my special friends told me: What can I do to help? If you don’t…
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Merry Christmas Eve!!! Welcome! Come on in! Let me take your coat…. Here’s a little squirt of hand sanitizer for you…. We have a beautiful dinner laid out for us…serve yourselves and enjoy! While y’all are eating, I thought we could all share a story of hope. After all, that’s what this season is about—hope!…
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Dear Soldier in Panera, We were waiting to grab a bite of lunch. Of course, we made it “to-go”, because Jack doesn’t eat and hates being around food. The line continued to grow, and you stepped in front of us to grab your order. My son, who is completely enamored by the “pow-pow men” (otherwise…
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Written on
July 25, 2010 by
What a difference a week can make! Last week I was looking toward Monday with apprehension, even dread. We were all but certain that our little man was to be diagnosed with a rare bone disorder that would probably require surgery. Pessimists? Realists? I’m not sure. After 3 years of bad news, it’s sometimes hard…
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Written on
July 18, 2010 by
Well, the day is almost here… I wish I was more excited, but it’s not THAT kind of day that we’ve been waiting for. For about a month now, we’ve been waiting for the July the 19th and Monday it will finally be here. This is the day we go to meet a new specialist….
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Written on
May 13, 2010 by
As I was sitting on the floor next to the crib on the eve of Mother’s Day, watching my son struggle to breathe, I wondered how many millions of moms had been in that very spot before me. With me.
In how many homes, hospital and bedrooms were we watching over our sick kids?
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