Florence is the solo parent of a very smart, creative, fun and energetic child. He just happens to have autism and pervasive developmental delays. She aspires to balance faith, parenting, working full time outside the home, journeying towards financial freedom and whatever else life brings in one of the most expensive states in the US. She writes every now and then to keep what little sanity she has left.
Chivalry is dead, or so we’ve been told. Knights exist only in legends and movies. Although there are still titular knights today, they are a far cry from the knights of old. Knights of the medieval era were asked to protect the weak, helpless, defenseless and fight for the general welfare of all. They were…
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Popcorn and his favorite movie, what could be better? Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you. Sorry, can’t get the linky to work. Please leave your links in the comments, thanks!
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It looks like an ordinary exercise ball. But to the boy, it’s an exercise in patience (try putting air into that thing with just a foot pump and you’ll know what I’m talking about) and therapy, 🙂 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
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My cousin sent the boy this shirt: At least they won’t be as loud as the game right? 🙂 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
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Mama made Easter goody bags for the boy’s class, to be given out before spring break. Guess what was in his backpack? Guess the excitement made him forget, 🙂 Apologies for posting late, it’s been hectic around here. Share what you managed to capture. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
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A little freedom outside + a scissor happy boy = cut flowers: At least, he did clean them up afterwards. Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
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Since April 2nd was “Light It Up Blue“, this was our porch light: I think I’ll keep this for the rest of the month, 🙂 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
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The boy was quiet and serious while playing with his iPod Touch. Maybe I should just enjoy this while it lasts eh? 😉 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
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Today is World Down Syndrome Day. Spread the word! Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you. *photo source
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The boy wanted flowers near the front door so he did something about it: Only thing is, he forgot to transfer the plant too, 😉 *My apologies for not posting last week. I had a bit of an emergency. Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
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