The Difference A Week Can Make

What a difference a week can make! Last week I was looking toward Monday with apprehension, even dread. We were all but certain that our little man was to be diagnosed with a rare bone disorder that would probably require surgery. Pessimists? Realists? I’m not sure.

After 3 years of bad news, it’s sometimes hard to find hope. That’s when we ask for prayers and support. Thank you so much for answering our call to arms. Thank you for the prayers you whispered and the hugs (virtual and real) that you sent our way. They mean the world and the Big Guy was listening.

Our appointment with the pediatric bone specialist went far better than I could ever have hoped. No rare disease. No surgery. Not even braces. For once our extraordinary little man falls into the ordinary category–how cool is that?! Aiden is expected to outgrown his little bow legs in a few years and we will simply watch and wait for that to happen! So simple, I love it!

So on this Sunday afternoon, we are again preparing for a trip to Dallas tomorrow. A trip to see Aiden’s pediatric nephrologist (kidney specialist) for his monthly dialysis clinic. But, instead of coming home with my family, this Mama is hopping on a plane to Ohio and a Lilith Fair concert with a good friend! I’m excited, nervous and oh-so-happy that this trip will be made without the additional worry of a new diagnosis or surgery looming in our future.

Today, I’m looking forward to Monday with anticipation, even excitement. What a difference a week can make!

Can’t wait to tell ya all about my trip on next week’s post! In the meantime, check out my recent post at The Mob Society. See ya next week!

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