Explaining the autism experience in 6 words

As many of you know,I am a big fan of the 6 word memoir project, and asked Larry Smith, it’s creator, if I could run another 6 word memoir contest on my facebook autism page. The top 25 (I was the judge) won a signed copy of my book A REGULAR GUY GROWING UP WITH AUTISM.

I was inspired to do this 6 word challenge because I believe that so many parents of children with autism feel misunderstood. They are desperate for a chance to to “explain” their child and their experience.

The winners:

1. My son has autism. It sucks.

2. Praying for acceptance, not a “cure”

3. Life can be hard. Is complicated.

4. Autism. I still love his quirkiness

5. Acceptance is all that he needs.

6. Autism plus unconditional love equals acceptance.

7. The boy is bigger than autism.

8. Every crisis brings opportunity for growth.

9. He’s made me a better person.

10. He is more than his autism.

11. I’m not ignoring you, I’m autistic

12. Hot or cold, black or white.

13. Behaviors are the words never heard

14. No words, but says a lot.

15. Wishing we lived in a bubble…..

16. Endlessly exhausted. But investing in greatness.

17. He’s my son, nothing has changed.

18. Never fails. Brain ALWAYS in motion.

19. Asperger’s Syndrome is frustrating but fascinating.

20. His kaleidoscope mind estranges pedestrian world.

21. ‘Do not assume that I don’t…’

22. Special kids need a special Mom.

23. “Yes, I do BUT I don’t”

24. Today he said, “I love you”!

25. I want to protect her always.

Would you like to take the 6 word challenge?

The FIRST 10 submissions win a copy of my book.

Have fun!


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