The happiest sound in the whole, wide world

I’ll never forget the first time my Max laughed. He was about three months old, I made a funny noise and he let out this “Heh, heh, heh” that cracked me up. It felt good to laugh; I’d cried a lot during the first few months of his life.

Another happy memory: When Max was nine months or so, my husband and I took him to this restaurant and we were seated at a table beneath a ceiling fan. He sat in his car seat, stared at the whirring fan and kept giggling. Soon, everyone at the tables around us was laughing, too.

Max’s laughter keeps me going. Even when I’m in the saddest/crappiest of moods, when I hear him giggle everything suddenly seems OK. I just discovered a new activity this weekend that gets him going: I put him on one shoulder, then run around the house like a maniac shouting “Max is an airplane! Max is flying!” We both think it’s a riot.

Max also laughs whenever anyone drops something; at this one scene in the beginning of 101 Dalmations; and when you play hide-and-seek and you find him.

What cracks your child up?



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