Sometimes all you need is love. Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love at each link you visit. Also posting at Three Ring Circus.
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Sometimes all you need is love. Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love at each link you visit. Also posting at Three Ring Circus.
Her smile makes the outfit. Happy Ivy days make my heart sing! Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love at each link you visit. Also posting at Three Ring Circus.
Not to be outdone by her brother, Ivy shows the world that she is nobody’s side kick! Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love at each link you visit. Also posting at Three Ring Circus.
Maddy and Mal. One of the best things about having a big family is that each person has something to teach the other and so everyone ends up with a wealth of understanding from different points of view. Maddy has taught Mal about the world from her perspective and Mal has taught Maddy that even…
Spring has finally sprung around our parts, so we took time to spend with each other as a family, enjoy the sun and enjoy the moment. Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love at each link you visit. Also posting at Three Ring Circus.
Love the special bond that these two have. When things are tough Immy will tell Ivy stories about how it was when she was little and needed needles and medicine and Ivy listens and then talks about her own worries and fears. It’s always good to have somebody to help carry the load. Got something…
She loves the outside. It is her favourite place to be. Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love at each link you visit. Also posting at Three Ring Circus.
There are no big bad wolves living here. The PICC line is out and the port is in and after days of pain Little Red felt up to an impromptu photo shoot. Good for the both of us. Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love…
A rare moment: Mal posing for the camera! Love this photo of our little leprechaun. Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love at each link you visit. Also posting at Three Ring Circus.
Humble apologies for no post last week, we were, unfortunately, back in the hospital with the girl and after becoming septic for the second time in a month, the port was removed and a PICC line placed. On the 19th, it will be a reversal, where the PICC will be removed and a new port…
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