This is Max at two years old. He’d just started lifting himself up onto all fours; before that, he commando crawled for months. My husband and I were thrilled that he was finally doing something that “typical” tots did. Back then, we were so excited anytime he did anything that was in the baby books. Because we hadn’t yet let go of the fact that he wasn’t going to develop like other kids. We still so desperately wanted him to.
This is Max on Sunday, playing his first game of tee ball. He had some trouble gripping the bat, but he did it. He had trouble making contact with the ball, but he did it. These are the milestones we relish now—the ones where Max is trying new things and doing them in his own Max way. It’s taken us a long time to create a new meaning for “milestone,” but we have.
Have you done the same?
Ellen blogs daily over at To The Max.