For my kids

Sometimes I miss you while you are sleeping
And I wonder if I looked at your eyes enough today
Or hugged and kissed you enough
Or made you laugh enough

Sometimes I miss you while you’re at school
And I wonder if I made the right choice to keep working
Or if I should have stayed home
Or been your at-home teacher

Sometimes I miss you while you’re taking a time-out
And I wonder if I’m being too hard on you
Or if I’m fighting the right fights
Or giving the right discipline

Sometimes I miss you while I’m making your dinner
And I wonder if you notice that I pour my love into every meal
Or if you’d rather I order in and spend time with you
Or invite you to the kitchen to help

Sometimes I miss you while you’re playing in the other room
And I wonder if I should come play with you
Or make up a new game
Or teach you my favorite one

Sometimes I miss you while you’re right next to me
And I wonder what it will be like when you’ve grown up
Or when you go away to college
Or when you visit on the weekends with my grandkids

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I could stop time
And play with you and savor you and love you
Or hold you until my arms don’t feel the impending emptiness
Or talk to you until there is nothing left to say


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