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Living with a medically fragile kid who spends a vast majority of his time on the floor makes the cleanliness of those floors a high priority.
Very high.
To the point where I’ve been called …..a Clean Freak…..OCD…..and The Mad Cleaner.
All in one sentence.
Hey. You have your hobbies. I have mine.
Chemical cleaners in our home are out of the question with Parker’s trach. It was one of the first things Parker’s respiratory therapist told us after Parker was trached. Whatever goes down that trach goes directly into Parker’s lungs.
I’ve searched high and low for steam cleaners that not only clean, but were reasonably priced. As I would search online I’d find that the ones in my price range all had a nasty habit of leaking, while the ones that received rave reviews were simply out of this Mama’s price range.
Enter the Steamboy T1 steam floor mop. (Now this is where I need to mention that I received a free Steamboy T1 steam floor mop to use for this review and giveaway. This is also where I need to mention that if I don’t like something about the Steamboy T1 mop I’ll be the first to let you know. You’d be surprised at how many review opportunities I pass up because the product doesn’t meet our standards here at 5MFSN. )
My previous method of floor cleaning included plain water spiked with a few splashes of vinegar:
Oh. And one of these:
Cause I don’t know about you, but this is totally why I had children.
The Steamboy T1 takes seconds to heat up. And did you know it comes with an attachment to clean stains off of carpet?
Hellooo, my dream come true.
It also cleans hardwood floors. And tile. Both of which I have a ton of.
And it does the job. Very well. With no leaks, which was one of my main concerns. It even does a fantastic job on sticky medication spills. The kind that somebody always seems to step in and spread all over the kitchen floor. yuck.
If you have hard water you will want to add vinegar to the water you use in your SteamboyT1. Unless you like streaks on your tile. In which case you may want to be researching therapy options instead of steam mops.
But how does my summertime in house floor cleaner feel about the Steamboy T1?
I dunno. What do YOU think?
The folks over at the Reliable Corporation have generously offered to give one 5 Minute for Special Needs reader their very own Steamboy T1.
All you have to do is visit the Reliable Corporation’s website and look around at all the fantastic products they offer. Then come back and in your comment below let me know another Reliable product they would like to own.
Want extra entries? You got ’em!
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This contest will run through Friday, July 24th.
Offer available in the U.S. AND Canada!
Please be sure to read our Terms and Conditions.
You can also find Tammy and Parker hanging out at their other blog, Praying for Parker and on Twitter where they are known as ParkerMama.