Pride In Association

There is a lot that I am proud of. My husband. My kids. My recent 44 pound (and still counting..sigh…..) weight loss.

But today I am proud of so many of my friends who went out of their comfort zones to try and explain the hurt and damage caused by the use of the word ‘retard.’

Cause there are lots and lots of people who scratch their heads in confusion wondering what the big deal is.

And if the comments section of one local newspaper is any example, there are those who think calling a spade a spade, or rather a ‘retard’ a ‘retard’, is not only fair game but part of living in the real world.


This, btw, was MY local paper. The comments coming from the communtiy in which Parker will someday live and work.

Take a minute and click through these news segments. Bask in their strength.

Then gird up your loins and rejoin the battle. That’s what I am planning on doing.

Amy’s Experience



Melissa’s Experience:



My sweet friend Jan shared this with me:

Tammy and Parker can also be found hanging out at their other blog: Praying For Parker

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