I’m not good at asking for help. There, I said it.
I have always had an independent streak and until now, it has served me well. The problems come when…well, when a problem comes. I usually chose to handle things on my own in a low key fashion. Despite the fact that I blog my son’s life for the world to share, I am actually a very private person. It’s true.
Simply put, being the single mom of a medically complex child is stressful, no two ways about it. Major medical decisions are mine and mine alone. Medical debt is mine and mine alone. Raising this child to be a loving, well adjusted member of society – that’s all my doing. Not that the responsibility is all mine, but the day-to-day reality is.
I have to admit that quite often I am overwhelmed. {Not an easy thing for this gal.} I know I am not alone, I know there are other single moms or families struggling to raise a family on a shoestring budget or with overwhelming medical expenses.
Over the past two years, on more than one occasion, support has come from an unlikely source. Total strangers.
Completely by surprise I have been approached by people who have heard of my situation and wanted to offer their assistance. Call it divine intervention, call it lucky.
I call it blessed.
Help arrived in the form of a gift card for groceries, clothing, and once, even manual labor to repair a tornado wind blown fence. In each case the support was a welcome blessing to this “I-am-Super-Mom-hear-me-roar” kind of gal. The best part, aside from the actual offer(s), is knowing that the motive is nothing more than to help relieve me of some financial or emotional stress.
Do you have a utility bill that needs to be paid?
Do you have an unexpected and expensive car repair?
Do you have a medical bill hanging over your head?
While I was fortunate enough to have people seek me out and offer me a helping hand; there is no shame in seeking out help for yourself or your family. Organizations looking to help Special Needs families are out there, you just have to look for them.
I have found a handful of resources that you might be interested in checking out for yourself or someone you know that may be in need.
Aubrey Rose Foundation: Grants available to assists with medical bills not covered by Insurance
Snappin’ Ministries: Special Needs Parent Support Network, offers financial, spiritual and social resources.
First Hand Foundation: Offers assistance with treatment or equipment needs, based on funding criteria.
Jessica’s Hope Chest: A foundation for critically ill children offering financial assistance and counseling.
Modest Needs: A grant based program for families or individuals in financial need.
Most of these programs are privately funded programs and may be income based or have “medical-only” criteria, these are NOT wish granting programs. Also, keep in mind that most of these organizations are available for financial support, as well as emotional support.
Do you have a story to share?
Janis chronicles Austin’s life and medical journey at Sneak Peek At Me. She is an advocate for medically fragile children and families living with a rare disease diagnosis.