I left my 2yo medically fragile son for five days…count ’em five days AND nights, to attend BlogHer’10 in New York City. It was business, it was pleasure, it was exhausting…you name it – I felt it.
Mostly I felt terribly guilty about going, but given the awesome opportunity I just felt I could not pass it up. I was really worried that my son would be devastated. He wasn’t. Nothing went wrong, it was an uneventful week without me. *Sigh* I mean it might have been nice if he had cried..ya know, just a little. (My ego was only slightly bruised.)
This kid is tough as nails. Just like his mom.
Back to the conference.
One of the highlights of the conference, for me, was getting the opportunity to sit down to lunch with so many #SpecialNeeds bloggers. We had an awesome card swap going and it was great to connect faces with names, finally. Truth be told I don’t think Ellen actually ever sat down to eat, she may not be human. 😉
Another highlight was not a BlogHer sanctioned event. On Saturday night, I took a crazy cab ride to the Lower East Side along with Julia and Catherine to a small co-op bookstore to attend a reading of My Baby Rides The Short Bus.
Four of the writers (two of whom were fellow BlogHer attendees, Shannon and JennyAlice) read their essays and the entire room was moved, inspired and frustrated right along with them. I could totally relate.
So yes, I left my son, but we both grew. It was worth it.