A Mac In The Box

As a homeschool family infused with a variety of learning styles, sensory issues, and attention deficits…we get the job done any way, any where we can.

“Would you could you in a box?”

Mac would and frequently does. He’ll tell you it feels good, and he likes that his brothers can’t fit in there with him.

Kind of takes thinking outside of the box to a whole new level, you know, being he’s inside the box.

The times I have discovered my children cozied-up liked little contortionists have and continue to be delightful moments for me. Of course, I do wonder how they manage to squeeze and twist their bodies into some of those little nooks and crannies.

As I step back and look at this moment…this image…the realization hits hard, like a rock. He is growing up so quickly. They are growing up quickly. I’ve been through this transition once before, but three at once…don’t know how I’ll survive.

Soon…very soon…there will be no more little nook and cranny moments to photograph. And I am hugging this and every other little moment with all the hugginess that is within me.

What is your child’s favorite reading or play nook?

Remember it. Snap a photo. Hug the memory.

Melody can be found at 5M4SN every Tuesday; hosting Special Exposure Wednesday; and sharing her love of photography the second and fourth Saturdays each month in her column, Photographing Your Children. You will also find her at Slurping Life sharing photos and a few words from her special life.

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