Best Medicine…

I often call it a worped sense of humor…you know where you can make a joke out of anything? Sort of like “Rosanne” remember that sitcom? I love(d) that show. It to me was as “real life” as I wanted to get.

Then my son was born, I would say laughter got us through it all. My son spent 3 weeks in the NICU (a short stay compared to some of you) but he was a full-term baby & King of the Hill in the NICU. I can remember at night watching “Whose line is it anyway” and laughing so hard my mom thought I’d pop the c-section staples 🙂  But I think with all the serious things that were happening, this is what kept me going! Even following hospital stays, laughter is what got us through them. I’m not one to leave his side, unless someone is there to take my place while I step away. The last 2 stays finally included a hospital twin bed, that we 2 shared and sat and sang with the “Mickey Mouse Club House” & thank goodness for the mini-marathon. When the doctor arrived during rounds, he just laughed with us (and probably at us too). 

My son has the most contagious laugh, I promise I know your child has one of those laughs too, but if and when he starts laughing and you get to that belly laugh…you can’t let it go, you do your best to keep it going. He’s taught me to appreciate the small things in life…and laugh at everything. While I do believe laughter is the BEST medicine around…I think he’s my best medicine. 

So when this season gets you down or all the people around you get you down, smile and think about all that is good in your life 🙂

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