This week, I’m the whiner…

It’s true.

And I hate, despise, and abhor being the whiner.

I’m busy…like really busy. I home school my 11 year old. I take care of Jack and his daily routine of medications, tube feedings, and breathing treatments. I teach two night classes–one of which has a clinical component. For the next 2 weeks I have clincial days 4 days a week, and still have to write and give finals. I am also taking classes to finally graduate with my master’s degree in nursing education.

So, I am muddling through, just doing what I need to do…and then, it hits me.

Someone on the facebook says something like: “(insert name) just can’t get it all done. It’s hard with 2 kids.”

And then I lose it. Internally.

Motherhood is hard. I will not negate that. But when your busy revolves around things that you can control (i.e. sports practices, playdates) that makes me mad. You make the conscious choice to enroll your children in to things like that. If you don’t appreciate the busy of normalcy, drop out! You’d save money and probably have more fun with your children.

Sorry for the rant…but I needed to get that off my chest. 😉

How do you deal with hurt feelings? The wishing for normalcy in an upside down world?

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