Author Archives: Beth

Beth is a mother of three, happily married, Canadian, and working for the government full time. Her youngest daughter, Precious, has a global developmental disability. The family keeps themselves busy with piano lessons, swimming, school, work, gymnastics, skating and hockey.

The Domino Effect

For the last two years or so, we hadn’t had many appointments with specialists. Precious doesn’t have any serious medical issues. She’s got minor ear, nose, throat issues, so we go every 6-12 months, and she has dental issues, but these only require regular dentist appointments for now. She has an undiagnosed congenital (she was…

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The Back Story

When I was pregnant with Precious, my third child, I was enormous really early. I couldn’t feel the baby move much and my abdomen was rather tight. I was getting an unusual amount of Braxton-Hicks contractions. I was being seen by the midwives for the second time, after having a very pleasant experience giving birth…

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Just Managing

Precious got the flu last week. She started getting sick on Sunday night and missed the whole week of school. I work for a wonderful employer and get 5 days of family-related leave a year. Only problem is, that it goes pretty fast between the number of appointments Precious has, along with the fact that…

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Family Matters

The way our families accept our children with special needs can make or break our relationship with them. When we had some family in town this weekend, we saw the way we would love our whole family to treat Precious. I hadn’t seen my husband’s cousin Tamara since my wedding almost 11 years ago. DH…

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Make New Friends

When I was expecting my oldest child, I met a bunch of other mothers through pre-natal fitness classes. After he was born, I met some more at a weekly well-baby clinic where the babies were weighed and the moms chatted while the children hung out on a mat on the floor. All the babies were…

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Bedside Manner

Some doctors have it and some don’t. Good bedside manner. Some examples of bad bedside manner. Calling all parents ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’. Asking “Do you have anymore questions?” with one hand on the doorknob and with your body turning to leave. Using overly medical terminology. Acting cold and disinterested. Not treating my child like a…

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New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again! I am making resolutions, as I always do. I try to make my resolutions small and manageable. One year, I stopped buying magazines for 12 months. I had plenty passed along to me and I borrowed them from the library. The good news is that I accomplished my goal…

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A Toy Story

Over the years, many of Precious’ toys have been of the developmental nature. Toys younger than her actual age. We’ve kept a lot of the toddler toys in the house even though Precious turned 5 recently because she still has trouble with them sometimes and we can use them as teaching aids. As the third…

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The Pity Party is Over

When Precious was born, she was extremely floppy and suffered from extreme hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice). The geneticists came by to check her out in the NICU and asked us all kinds of questions. Some of the least favourite questions they asked were whether or not I drank while I was pregnant (no), or if my husband…

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Riding the Roller Coaster

No, this isn’t a post about the amusement park. The kind of roller coaster I’m talking about isn’t fun, and the people lining up to ride it are few and far between. The roller coaster I’m talking about is the one that makes me feel exhilirated when my child learns a new skill, and sad…

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