The greatest test to the boy’s self control right now: If he can pass this test, he can do anything, 🙂 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
The greatest test to the boy’s self control right now: If he can pass this test, he can do anything, 🙂 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
Sorry I’m late but as you can see, somebody took over my laptop, 😉 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
The boy attended Therapeutic Movement classes. This was the part he liked best: That and the cute little girl in the class, 😉 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
As we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving here in the US, I am taking a break from posting a picture of the boy. Instead, I want to say “thank you” to each and every one of you who selflessly share your lives with us. I always look forward to “seeing” your kiddos every week (yes,…
Somebody decided to “clean” the living room: Maybe I can get him to do the laundry next, 😉 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
A friend gifted us with tickets to a pumpkin patch, which we happily used the weekend before Halloween. Turns out it’s actually a working farm the rest of the year so the boy got to “work”, 🙂 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please don’t forget to spread the comment love around.
The boy’s school had a Halloween parade. Guess who showed up as Spider Man? How was your Halloween? Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around.
The boy attended a classmate’s birthday party at a theme park. He requested, nay, pleaded, to ride the boat on his own. There’s a side story to that but at least, he had fun. Share what you managed to capture this week. Please don’t forget to spread the comment love around.
Meet Princess Julianna, or more accurately Pixie Princess Julianna. Don’t let the angelic face fool you, the girl can hold her own against two brothers. Get to know her in her mom’s own words. Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. *This is part of a month long…
The first thing I noticed about Kayla is her big blueberry eyes. She has the biggest, bluest eyes I have ever seen. When she smiles, they just seem to light up. The fact that she has Down Syndrome just seems so secondary to who she is. Get to know Kayla more in her mom’s own…