I’ve been thinking a lot about how being a special needs parent has changed my life. Sure, there are sleepless nights, giant messes, and financial worries. Even typical parents have those problems!
Yet, I have learned priceless lessons—some about me, some about the world.
These…are the secrets that make this journey worth it all.
1. I am strong. Stronger than I ever thought I could be. Even on the days when I feel like I can’t put one foot in front of the other, I still somehow manage to find the strength to carry on.
2. Love…is more than patient and kind. Love is advocacy. Love is baking cookies for the doctor because you know there is about to be an important discussion (and you want it to go your way). Love never fails.
3. Diagnoses are for insurance. Labels are for soup cans. No matter how many diagnoses or labels my child has, no one can harness that much awesome with a ICD-9 code!
4. My typical child is now one of the most compassionate, well-rounded human beings that I have the pleasure of knowing (let alone being related to).
5. The world is not kind. The world is not warm. The world just cannot see past the stereotypes that have been placed on society by the media. And we live in that world…with our special team. We can complain about it (together!) or we can educate, elevate our position, and be the bigger people. That is the key.
6. I love my husband more now than I thought possible. Yep, marriages don’t always survive the struggles. If they do, I guarantee, there is a deeper connection…a higher understanding…and a new found respect for each other.
7. I know who my friends are. “Friends” have come and gone….true friends show up with wine and a casserole.
I’m going to try to be a better person. This summer has been really tough, and, honey, Heather needs her groove back. I want to remember how special and awesome my life really is. I want to be thankful instead of hateful. This life is not fair for my son, but I can provide him the best care, the most love, and a whole lotta fun while I can!
Have you lost your groove? Where’d you find it?