Top 10 signs you need a break

10. Someone stares at your kid funny and you snap, “Bite me!”

9. You put your child’s braces away…in the fridge.

8. You start fantasizing about snorting your child’s medication.

7. Your most meaningful conversations in life are with the speech/occuptional/physical therapist.

6. You start fantasizing about making your husband snort your child’s medication.

5. You are so looking forward to your appointment at the dentist.

4. You have nightmares involving being chased naked by an IEP coordinator who’s shouting, “You didn’t sign the form! You didn’t sign the form!”

3. Your idea of a shopping spree? Going all out with the Special Toys for Special Kids catalog. 

2. The babysitter shows up and you kiss her on the lips.

1. You program your child’s communication device to say, “Bite me!”



Ellen blogs daily over at To The Max

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