Tingle All The Way

tingSince everybody has been passing on all their tips and tricks for parenting and wellness, I decided to take a leap and pass on one of my own.
Actually, I was cleaning out my bathroom closet, ran across this little gadget, and started fondly thinking about all the use it’s gotten over time.
Quite a few years ago, a friend sent Hubby and I sort of a gag gift, which was touted to enhance our–uh–intimate encounters. Did we ever use it for that purpose?
No. Just not our thing, thankyouverymuch. We’re both WAY too ticklish. We DID find out that it had an amazing effect on the boys though.
What was the amazing effect? It put them to sleep. Literally. LOL
This goofy thing is called The Tingler. Supposedly, when you run it across your head, or your back, it produces goosebumps which again supposedly releases endorphins which make you feel good. And calm.
Among other issues, Big Kid has ADHD. He’d be going a mile a minute 24 hours a day. We wanted to limit his stimulant intake, so we only used them for school. Of course that meant that at home, he’d be running around like a bat out of hell.
Before bedtime, if he was particularly rambunctious, we’d “Tingle” him. Sounds kind of pervy, doesn’t it? But it really worked! One time he actually fell asleep sitting up. 😉
Little Guy didn’t have trouble falling asleep. He had trouble STAYING asleep. He’d wake up in the middle of the night and start wandering around. We had to put dead bolts up high on the outer doors for fear he might wander off into the night outside the house. Many times I’d have to get up with him and stay up with him for hours, until he went back to sleep.
After we got the Tingler–BOOM–he’d be out like a light!
Of course this is all anecdotal, and your mileage may vary. I just thought I’d pass on a drug-free alternative that did wonders for us.
And if it doesn’t work on the kids, you and your significant other might get some fun out of it. 😉
Hope you have a great weekend!
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