SEW will be back next week. There a beautiful little girl we all know and love in the hospital again. I know your prayers would be very appreciated!
Written by Lucille from Poppies Blooming
Every year on the 21st of March something wonderful occurs! The entire world comes together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day! The date has been hand selected to honour the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome presented in Down Syndrome.
It is a day set aside to raise awareness and advocate for DS. The goal of WDSD is not just to raise awareness and advocate though, but also to break the misconceptions of life with DS and to support those living in our communities who have DS.
Reece’s Rainbow is honouring World Down Syndrome Day with the 21.3.10 Project! Reece’s Rainbow’s primary focus is to promote the international adoption and rescue of children with Down syndrome (and other special needs). But our ultimate goal is to be a catalyst for social change abroad. With every successful adoption, and now through our “Connecting the Rainbow” program, we hope to bring education and advocacy to those countries where people with disabilities are still left in orphanages and mental institutions.

The next time you see a person or child with DS, stop… take notice. That life is nothing short of a miracle. The termination rate for pregnancies with DS diagnosis is now up to 94%. That is staggering. So, not only are you seeing the blessing of a person with DS, [made closer to the image of God than the rest of us], you are seeing the miracle of a life that many are trying to completely eliminate… I believe, hand on heart, that the two points are most definitely related…