Max is a pretty social kid—but crowds? They freak him out.
This weekend, we were at an event and we had to take an outdoor group photo. It was a very, very large group. Max started wailing at the sight of everyone standing there. My husband was holding him, and even though he was talking to him soothingly and holding him tight, and I did the same, nothing helped. Max just kept wailing.
Clearly, it’s sensory overload. The real mystery is that Max can be more than fine at an insanely noisy place like Chuck E. Cheese’s. I mean, the din in that place gets to me and yet Max is a happy, happy camper when he’s there.
I don’t get it. I’m wondering if any of you have dealt with this, and what’s helped your child?
Ellen blogs daily at Love That Max
Photo/The Visions of Kai