Patrick Blair is the winner!
There’s a FRESH spin on a Familiar Favorite in town!
Boardmaker Studio!
For more than 26 years, Mayer-Johnson has been committed to helping educators, speech-language pathologists, related professionals and parents make a connection with their students.
Boardmaker uses PCS (Picture Communication Symbols) to help your child learn communication skills
Parker’s speech therapist LOVES Boardmaker.
When she saw the Boardmaker Studio, her first words were, “Can I borrow that?”
And then I didn’t see it again for several weeks.
Boardmaker Studio includes your choice of authoring and editing tools, THOUSANDS of Picture Communication Symbols (PECS), hundreds of time saving templates AND……
Fun filled activities to complement your lessons and challenge your students:
- Create a daily schedule.
- Sorting and matching identical pairs: colors, letters, shapes
- Create books to read and listen to!
But one of the most exciting features is the NEW Boardmaker Share, where you can share YOUR ideas and find NEW ideas.
Taking Awesome to new heights, no?
But don’t just take my word about how great this Adaptive Learning product is. Click on the button above and go and watch a Demo.
You’re going to need to if you want to WIN a copy of Boardmaker Studio of YOUR OWN.
At this time Boardmaker Studio is only compatible with Windows.
Watch either the tutorial or video. Then come back and leave a comment about what you learned about Boardmaker Studio
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The Fine Print: I did not receive one red cent for this review/giveaway. However Parker did receive his very own copy of Boardmaker Studio. Cause it’s kind of hard to review something that you don’t have. And we honestly and truthfully LOVE it.
Giveaway open through November 15th.