My hopes are that you find this worth reading; my hopes are you come back and read again. My hopes are that this blog will not only give you a picture of our life…as we live it…but also picture of what has worked for us.
I am married to Steve (15 years), and a Stay at Home Mom, Home School Teacher, Nurse, Temporary Physical therapist, Temporary Occupational Therapist, Temporary Speech Therapist, Dietician, Home Health Caretaker, Secretary, and Chauffer of one special guy, Tristan. I know you can already relate, maybe not to all the duties (I’m sure I haven’t listed them all). But it puts things in to perspective. Tristan is a 6 year old boy (and he has all the boy things down!) with his own list of diagnosis to follow. But mostly he’s a boy.
Tristan has Spastic Quadraparesis a form of Cerebral Palsy, Severe Cortical Vision Impairment, Seizure Disorder, and is also Non-Verbal. He’s allergic to dairy, all dairy products, so I guess you could say he has weight issues also, we fight for every ounce he has gained and lost somewhere down the line. Tristan loves, Loves, LOVES music and we sing everything at home…right down to the grocery list if it makes him happy. We’re in our second year of homeschooling and I think I learn more from him each day. We try to look at the bright side and laugh because YOU HAVE TO LAUGH! AND SING…EVEN IF IT’S OUT OF TUNE! (Trust me it’s not pretty!)
So while my plate is full…I still have room for dessert…so join me with a cup of whatever you like to drink and your favorite munchies and we can discuss what’s going on in our life…one moment at a time. We’ll talk again soon 🙂