I’m sure I’m not the only one who takes Thanksgiving week as a chance to reflect on all the things I’m grateful for in my life.
This year, the first year since my son’s official autism spectrum diagnosis, has not been an easy one. There have been more lows than highs. I’m well versed in words like “stimming” and “sensory diet” and am now an expert at reading IEPs. Last Thanksgiving, these words weren’t even on my radar screen, let alone part of my everyday vocabulary.
But in my reflection this week, I realized there is one thing I am beyond grateful for.
All of you.
This community – this amazing group of mothers and fathers – has been my saving grace. When we started down this path, I thought we were traveling it all alone. Thanks to the power of site like 5 Minutes for Special Needs and others, I know now I have friends walking the path with us. There is nothing more amazing than the feeling that someone is by your side, holding your hand, even if it’s just through cyberspace.
Our kids may have varying degrees of special needs. Some of our kids require 24 hour care and support. Some of our kids need accommodations in the classroom. Some of our kids have spent hours in doctor’s offices and therapy rooms and operating tables. Some of our kids have not.
But what ties us together is that our kids’ needs are different. Here, it’s not about which one of us has a harder or more difficult life. All of us have kids that require something a little bit more than the kid next door. Our kids all require something…special.
Having a community like this has made all the difference to me this year. And for that, I am very very thankful.
“With a little love, and some tenderness
We’ll walk upon the water
We’ll rise above the mess
With a little peace, and some harmony
We’ll take the world together
We’ll take ’em by the hand
‘Cause I’ve got a hand for you
‘Cause I wanna run with you” – Hold My Hand by Hootie and the Blowfish