Hello all!
Today, I took my son on a “Thomas the Train” ride with both of his grandmothers. It was a little cooler today, last year it was SOO HOT, I prefered it this way. Our local Children’s Hospital received some donated tickets for the kids, and one of our therapists thought of us (even though we haven’t been to see her since August). We had a great time. We got to sit with people we’d never met. A family, grandparents and their daughter and her daughter sat close to us and we talked. The Grandmother was sitting with my mother-in-law and her husband and daughter were behind them. Our kids, mine across the isle in his wheelchair and strapped down and the little girl behind him also fixed in. The Grandmother asked where we lived and how old my son was, so she started to ask if he went to ….school. I interupted and said “No, we homeschool” her face lit up, “really?” So that’s where the questions started…but after a few standard questions…”what is he able to do?” I looked at her and I said matter of factly “wow! nobody usually asks what can he do, they want the list of what he can’t do” She had stumped me. So we talked more, what she was actually getting at was how do you homeschool him if he can’t do anything? but to ask me what he was able to do was a new outlook that I had never had to answer before…So with that being said, I thought I’d try to come up with a list of what exactly he is able to do…
What can your children do? Has anyone ever taken your speech away by asking you something? what was it & what did you do to answer it the next time??? Would love to hear from you!