Category Archives: Photographing Children

Photographing Children [with Special Needs] ~ Just Keep Clicking, Clicking

How do you expect to get that perfect shot if you don’t click, click and click some more? Any [honest] professional photographer will tell you that in order to get that one perfect shot, she snaps hundreds of photos. Really. And that on occasion she walks away from a shoot without capturing the image she…

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Photographing Children ~ Seeing Light

Look at light and admire its beauty. Close your eyes, and then look again: what you saw is no longer there; and what you will see later is not yet. ~~Leonardo da Vinci Do you often look at photos and feel the emotion, the energy, the mood? You ask yourself…how do they do that? How…

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Photographing Children [with Special Needs] ~ Preface

Our column, Photographing Children [with special needs], is suppose to begin May 26. Let’s call this post the preface. Do you remember that as a child playing was your life? In the mind of a child nothing is more important than play and having fun. Remember that. It will serve you well when photographing children…

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Photographing Children [with Special Needs]

You are a parent with an adorable kid [kids] and a digital camera in your hands. You are capturing every waking, and often sleeping, moment possible…yet the images captured are not exactly as envisioned at the moment of click. If you are the parent of a child [children] with special needs, you understand there are…

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