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March 19, 2010 by
Once upon a time, a long time ago, I joined a support group for mothers of young children with developmental disabilities. I’d never been the support group type, but figured I needed all the help I could get. The meeting, led by a kind and Kleenex toting family therapist, was held in the gymnasium of…
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March 17, 2010 by
My life is about to change drastically yet again. Next Tuesday, a young man named Ronnie, will become my fifth child. Ronnie is fifteen years old. He has spina bifida, is paralyzed from the waist down, and is profoundly deaf. He also has the most beautiful smile in the world! I decided about six months…
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SEW will be back next week. There a beautiful little girl we all know and love in the hospital again. I know your prayers would be very appreciated! Written by Lucille from Poppies Blooming Every year on the 21st of March something wonderful occurs! The entire world comes together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day!…
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Shawni Eyre Pothier and her mother Linda Eyre have co-authored a new book titled A Mother’s Book of Secrets; they have also recently launched the I Love Lucy Project to help raise funds for research to help fight blindness since her youngest daughter has been diagnosed with a syndrome that causes blindness. On this blog…
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Written on
March 15, 2010 by
“OK, I know he’s got microcephaly, but don’t you think all that hair hides it well?” “I’m sorry, I’m not convinced you know what you are talking about.” “The other day he grabbed one of my nipples while he was breastfeeding, I thought it was a good sign he’s going to be able to use…
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Written on
March 12, 2010 by
Last week I shared that I was anxious about how Matthew would behave at my dad’s 80th birthday party bash. Want to know how it went? Take a look at these photos for some clues: IT WAS SO GREAT!!! Thank you for the good vibes you sent our way. xoxo LAURA Have you read my…
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March 10, 2010 by
One of my greatest worries as a parent of multiple children is whether I spend enough quality time and give enough attention to each of them. As a parent of children with disabilities, this worry is greater than average, I believe. Ashley is my child that needs the most hands-on assistance. She cannot be left…
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He may be special needs but he is far from disabled. He has an amazing sense of humour, an amazing sense of self. His dream is to become an “American gymnast”. (We live in Australia) His smile is sunshine on a cloudy day and somedays, when he slips and calls me Mum, by accident my…
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I shared the story of Yumi, the creator of Voice4u, and her struggle to provide her son with a communication system. Finally Yumi decided to take the issue into her own hands. She spoke with engineers, therapists, doctors and teachers, and all of these people were able to help her create Voice4u. Voice4u. Thinking at…
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Written on
March 8, 2010 by
I’m at a birthday party with Max at a friend’s home. It’s really crowded and Max is darting around, uneasily. I’m trotting behind him in case he loses it but keeping a safe distance because I don’t want to baby him. As I follow Max, I notice a few moms staring at him as he…
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