Monthly Archives: March 2012

My Three Cents

I didn’t feel like I was doing anything that extraordinary. I was doing what any good mom would do – trying my hardest to meet my children’s needs. There’s nothing here to pity or stand in awe of. It’s my child who is doing amazing things.

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Special Exposure Wednesday – Planting Flowers

The boy wanted flowers near the front door so he did something about it: Only thing is, he forgot to transfer the plant too, 😉 *My apologies for not posting last week. I had a bit of an emergency. Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.

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Random Thoughts on a Funky Friday…

* I had a job interview yesterday. It went well. I think… * I’m thinking of doing a few interviews (pseudo-interviews?) with some SN moms I know…so that we can broaden our worlds a bit. Whatcha think? * Tomorrow I’m going to a ZumbaFest with my mother. If I die, I will miss you all…

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SPD Foundation Conference : International Symposium, Parent Workshop & Scientific Workgroup

This March 16th – 18th, the SPD Foundation is raising the bar of information available to parents, caregivers, therapists and physicians alike. It’s the 14th International Symposium & Parent Workshop – Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Sensory Processing Disorder Scientific Workgroup. This event is a ‘must attend’ for anyone involved with Sensory Processing disorder as…

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Counting the Grapes

Well, when you’re child pulls your hair, kicks, screams, and starts throwing things because things aren’t just the way they want them; when you have no idea what’s going on with your child and they don’t have the words to tell you; when you generally feel out of control and have learned a few things that seem to help a little here and there…you do strange things like count the grapes. I think I offered the girl some of the other fruit.

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End the R-Word

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When I Realized I Needed My Own IEP

Well hello there stranger! I’ve been MIA for a month and I’ve missed your posts and interactions. But as of today, I’m back, and can’t wait to catch up on some great posts here! What have I been doing all this time? (Besides doing the happy dance upon the arrival of my new escape Kindle?)…

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Do Teachers Know Your Kiddo As Well As You Do?

“They know him almost better that we do….in a way.” There was a time when C would have never said this. A time when, should someone utter these words to either of us, the emotions would swell. Our eyes, my eyes, would betray my immediate offense to the statement – the anger. How could anyone…

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Too Much to Ask?

I had a meeting today with various members of our support team at school. I was trying to understand more about what is going on with the child’s writing, and basically learned nothing. “She’s doing fine. Yes, we acknowledge the struggle that writing, and indeed any expression of language is for her, but she’s meeting…

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