Category Archives: Skill Development

I’m back…

She is tired of being with her siblings, and in general missing the structure that school provides and I can’t. School is only a month away which seems both close and oh, so, far away.

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Fixing the Unfixable

Real life is invading, and so, my task now becomes to teach this child that life is not fair. She can’t always have things her way, and even when it isn’t easy we will have to work together to make out as well as we can.

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It’s the Little Things

There just always seems to be too many other more important things to do. Our time and money are both limited right now, so if the kids need something, it comes first. But does this mean I should neglect myself completely? I think not, and I got the lesson in a strange way.

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Pain Thresholds

It seems like this high pain threshold could be a good thing in some ways, but lately it’s getting a bit scary.

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As They Grow…

I am the first to admit that March 7, 2007, was one of the toughest days of my life. I sat, holding the baby that only a week prior was declared “mine” in a court of law, while a neurologist told me my son had a diagnosis that changed his life forever. I felt numb….

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When I Realized I Needed My Own IEP

Well hello there stranger! I’ve been MIA for a month and I’ve missed your posts and interactions. But as of today, I’m back, and can’t wait to catch up on some great posts here! What have I been doing all this time? (Besides doing the happy dance upon the arrival of my new escape Kindle?)…

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Too Much to Ask?

I had a meeting today with various members of our support team at school. I was trying to understand more about what is going on with the child’s writing, and basically learned nothing. “She’s doing fine. Yes, we acknowledge the struggle that writing, and indeed any expression of language is for her, but she’s meeting…

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Bite-Sized Homework

We’ve had our ups and downs with homework this year. Most weeks the child’s homework is a sweet routine of math drills and spelling practice. Since she thrives on routine more than even she would care to admit, this has been overall very good. Most days she can do her homework with minimal mom input,…

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A few years ago, I fell in love with Signing Time. Jack was struggling to do much more than scream and I was increasingly frustrated. In a last ditch effort, I bought some DVDs and prayed that he would communicate with me. Slowly, he began to sign (things like more and done) and I felt…

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Magical Moment

I never would have walked away from her and sat in the shade to talk with another mom at that age. I would have been hovering over her and wondering where all the other parents were, anyway. Then I think of where she is now with her skills and another wave of relief washes over me. I can be one of the parents sitting over in the shade, still watchful, but more at ease.

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