Monthly Archives: May 2010

The boob tube and our kids

Kids aren’t supposed to watch more than two hours of TV a day, according to The American Academy of Pediatrics. I’ve always wondered, though, if that time recommendation should be less for kids with special needs. Watching TV probably isn’t doing their brains much good, even if they’re so-called educational programs. I use the TV…

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Facilitating friendships with the opposite sex-Step Two

When we left off last week, I was telling you how tired I was of telling Matthew that he will meet a nice girl “someday.” I developed a three step plan to help him. I’m aware that I will need to add many more steps along the way, but I thought it was best to…

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We are not alone.

As I was sitting on the floor next to the crib on the eve of Mother’s Day, watching my son struggle to breathe, I wondered how many millions of moms had been in that very spot before me. With me.

In how many homes, hospital and bedrooms were we watching over our sick kids?

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Rolling Along, Just Faster

My son needs a new wheelchair. The one he brought from his foster home feels like it is going to just collapse in a heap at any moment. The brakes constantly need adjusting – it shimmies and shakes – the arm pads are way too close to the wheels – and I worry about my…

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Special Exposure Wednesday

The art of present hiding is a sacred tradition in our house. Too bad the newest members of the club would rather open the gifts instead of salting them away. Here is the small girl (with plaits – I can’t believe her hair is long enough for plaits) seeking out a good hiding place for…

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No, we don’t have special needs cooties

I was at an event the other day with a bunch of bloggers. I struck up a conversation with another mom; when I mentioned my blog, she said, “Oh! I know that blog! I read it.” Pause. “But I don’t have a kid with special needs.” Grrrrrr. Why oh why did she have to mention…

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Being a mom

Chaos. Happy, delirious chaos. Tim ran upstairs because, even at 10 p.m., two four-year-old girls—who did not nap yesterday—were still awake. Giggling. Talking. Playing. Jackson had long earlier fallen asleep on Esther-Faith’s bed. But the girls, they were still awake—sharing the vacation bed—and making all kinds of indications that they might be awake all night….

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Facilitating friendships with the opposite sex-Step One

I’ve grown tired of telling Matthew that he’ll meet a nice girl someday. I’ve decided to help him, and started by asking myself three questions: 1) What is the biggest obstacle that prevents Matthew from meeting girls? 2)What is the best way to help him with his socially awkward behavior so that he doesn’t scare…

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Those Who Understand, and Those Who Don’t

I read a post yesterday from one of my favorite bloggers, Jess at Connor’s Song. While the post was primarily about Jess’s nesting instincts and the new daughter she and her husband are adopting, she shared some of the comments people have made about that adoption. Those comments, most of them insensitive, really struck a…

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Special Exposure Wednesday.

Last week Ivy got to have some time off the IV antibiotics. Sadly, we didn’t make it a week until she became sick but we did have time to go outside and smell the roses. It was nice. Got something to share? Why don’t you join in this Special Exposure Wednesday. Please remember your comment love…

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