Category Archives: Homeschool

All you need is love…

There are times when I think am I doing right by my son. Is it right that I kept him home to homeschool versus sending him to our public school system? This one doesn’t take long to remember why I did what I did! Our schools system offered three schools to choose from, it was…

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New Groove

I need a sabbatical. I know from time to time we all need a break. I’ve taken to calling this much needed break a sabbatical.  You see life got turned upside down in August. My mom entered the hospital with what we thought was going to be pneumonia but spent 2 weeks inpatient getting a…

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An Introduction to an Out of Tune Mom

My hopes are that you find this worth reading; my hopes are you come back and read again. My hopes are that this blog will not only give you a picture of our life…as we live it…but also picture of what has worked for us. I am married to Steve (15 years), and a Stay…

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Preschool Decision

My husband and I are pretty conservative–I’m not talking about politics (I almost never am)–but just our general life decisions. We prefer things cooked from scratch–we don’t even own a microwave. I stay at home and my husband goes out and earns the money. Even before Charlie was born, we thought that I might end…

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I’m sure that every mother has things that make her proud of her mothering skills–some activity or item that causes you to pat yourself on the back and say, “Good Job.” Perhaps you feel especially good if you manage to get the whole family seated around the dinner table. Maybe a spotless bathroom fills you…

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The Problem Isn’t Really The Problem

Don’t get me wrong, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome presents itself in the form of many problems for my son and our family. But sometimes, well, sometimes the problem isn’t really the problem. We are a homeschool family and over the past year we have not seemed to accomplish much. It was decided that Lee was the…

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A Mac In The Box

As a homeschool family infused with a variety of learning styles, sensory issues, and attention deficits…we get the job done any way, any where we can. “Would you could you in a box?” Mac would and frequently does. He’ll tell you it feels good, and he likes that his brothers can’t fit in there with…

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OMAC My Favorite Sanity Saver

It doesn’t seem to matter how much time I may have spent homeschooling, therapy-ing, and being the Mommy, my family still always expects dinner. Even if they just had it, you know, last night. Who came up with the bright idea to eat dinner every night, anyway? Because about the last thing I want to…

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People, Talk to Me

We are a homeschool family, and no matter how engaging I may be, sometimes I lose the boys’ attention. When it happens, I ask them… “What would you like to learn about today?” “What questions would you like answered?” I know. You’re calling me brave or utterly foolish, but it never fails that I am…

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Try This Tuesday #8: Color Swirl

I have been thinking about ways to expand Try This Tuesday to include some different ideas and perspectives, and one of the ideas I had was to ask some of the participants to “guest post.” So over the next few weeks, several of our readers will be sharing their ideas on this site. For our…

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