Living in Florida, I know a bit about natural disasters. Like when, in 2005, 3 hurricanes hit us in 6 weeks. I got a new roof twice. Back then, I only had the Girl Child, who was 5. She was self-sufficient, opinionated, and stubborn–but she knew when Momma said, “Get in the bathroom and cover…
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Real life is invading, and so, my task now becomes to teach this child that life is not fair. She can’t always have things her way, and even when it isn’t easy we will have to work together to make out as well as we can.
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There just always seems to be too many other more important things to do. Our time and money are both limited right now, so if the kids need something, it comes first. But does this mean I should neglect myself completely? I think not, and I got the lesson in a strange way.
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June 17, 2012 by
I am an inclusionist! It seems to me this has always been so. Long before I had children with special needs, the notion of inclusion was an integral part of my life and who I am… The way, I think, it should be for everyone! I’m sure I’m a better person for it and research shows…
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My life changed drastically the day we adopted Jack. I just didn’t know how much it was changed. We struggled to have our oldest child. She was born early, but healthy. Shortly after her birth, I had a large lump removed from my breast. 2 months after that, I had a complete hysterectomy. We knew…
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I walked home truly pleased with the outcome of our little experiment, and so happy that our patience had paid off.
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June 10, 2012 by
Happy Little Buggers Despite Pneumonia, 2010 This scenario has played out several times over the past two years… ever since that fateful camping trip that culminated with My Beautiful Boys hospitalized with pneumonia for two weeks – one with a partially collapsed lung — while my Old Soul was juggled amongst family and friends developing…
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…change is hard. It takes time and energy. It may appear that nothing is happening on the surface, but underneath a total transformation is occurring.
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I have tried… When Jack was taking therapy a million hours a week, I would sit in the waiting room and take in the “sights” and sounds around me (seriously, people, leggings are NOT pants!). So many times my heart broke when I would hear another parent, under the guise of “advocacy,” just pick apart…
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I haven’t signed them up for any classes yet. I keep saying I need to get a calendar out and start marking possible road trip dates…so why don’t I just get it over with and do it?
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