When Jack was first diagnosed, and we still felt like the world was ending, my husband was devastated. Not because of the diagnosis, but because of what Jack may not ever be able to do—play football, or baseball, or any of those “guy” things. Personally, I believe that deep down, there’s this innate thing that…
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I am a big believer in social stories. I think they are probably one of the most underutilized tools for all children. My theory is because they require a fair bit of customized attention to detail for the recipient they are eschewed as being too labor intensive. We tend to like things that can be…
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I am about 12 years into motherhood now.. and like lots of Mom’s I know, I still don’t feel like I’m getting it right. Mothering kids with medical issues takes a purposeful amount of focus and attention, the kind that sometimes prevents you from being that cool ” chill” kind of mom..yet still I try…
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This week, I’ve read lots of blog posts and memes about Mother’s Day. Some of them are pretty dead on accurate, and others hurt my heart. Lots of them are about what mother’s really want for Mother’s Day—things like for children to close the doors, pick up socks, and so on. So as I was…
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What’s awesome is that it used to be a struggle to get her to eat just about anything. Picture tomato-based stew tossed willfully to the floor
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Popcorn and his favorite movie, what could be better? Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you. Sorry, can’t get the linky to work. Please leave your links in the comments, thanks!
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It looks like an ordinary exercise ball. But to the boy, it’s an exercise in patience (try putting air into that thing with just a foot pump and you’ll know what I’m talking about) and therapy, 🙂 Share what you managed to capture this week. Please spread the comment love around. Thank you.
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We, lovingly, call Jack “The Beast” sometimes. We don’t mean it in a derogatory way at all. Just in a way that we all know is true— he’s kinda Beastly (he’s a growler…loves to growl all the time when we’re out. Growls at old ladies, at kids, at dogs…). Sometimes he’s “Beastly” or “My Beasty…
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Cerebral Palsy,
Day In And Day Out,
Dealing With Public Perceptions,
Developmentally Delayed,
Raising Awareness,
Sensory Processing Dysfunction,
That’s the kind of hope I need to keep on going in my larger, and much more significant Mommy duties. We’ve learned a lot about the care and feeding of these three precious lives.
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The thing about faith is that…it’s not transient. You either have it or you don’t. You don’t have to believe in the God I believe in to have faith either. You can have faith in lots of things–doctors, teachers, friends. To have faith, you have to trust. A lot. Believe. A lot. So where does…
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